Toshiaki Toyoda
Related Film Career Reviews
(120 min)
2003 - Drama - Japan
Nine inmates begin a small detour towards the inevitable after escaping from prison. Each individual, incarcerated for a different crime, takes their chance at life outside of the box and take the initiative to find happiness once again.
Director : Toshiaki Toyoda
Cast : Ryuhei Matsuda, Yoshio Harada, Koji Chihara, Mame Yamada, Itsuji Itao, Kee
(83 min)
2001 - Drama - Japan
Graduation looms overhead as a group of seniors at Asa High live out the dangerous yakuza-style life on a miniature high school scale. Kujo leads the pack, but the playing field gets distorted when his authority is questioned and duly challenged by his closest friend Aoki.
Director : Toshiaki Toyoda
Cast : Ryuhei Matsuda, Hirofumi Arai, Sousuke Takaoka, Yusuke Oshiba
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