Ahn Sang Hoon
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(98 min)
2006 - Horror - South Korea
So-Young and her rookie assistant are investigating a series of bizarre (bloodless!) murders. All the victims seem to have died due to an acid released in their bodies. But wait a minute: what about the ghost-girl we see during each uninspired death scene? As they discover more about the case, they come to realize that the victims are somehow related to a young girl's death ten years ago. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to decide that it must be her ghost avenging upon the miscreants. Or, perhaps this whole ghost-thing is just a sham, and a human agent is behind it all? Will 90 minutes be enough to unravel this complicated mystery???
Director : Ahn Sang Hoon
Cast : Dong-Wook Lee, Jong-su Lee, Yun-ah Song
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