Ichi finds himself in the middle of a gang war and befriends a dying Samurai by the name of Master Hirate.
ZATOICHI – THE TALE OF ZATOCIHI is the first film in the legendary ZATOICHI film series starring Shintaro Katsu as Zatoichi, the blind masseuse and master swordsman. This beginning film has Ichi visiting his friend, Boss Sukegoro, as he passes by the town of Iioka. He discovers that Boss Sukegoro is in the midst of a feud with the next town over, Sasagawa, lead by Boss Shigezo. After much convincing and begging, Ichi’s talents are reluctantly bought to side with Boss Sukegoro in the upcoming war.
What has always been so fascinating about every ZATOICHI film is that his adventures always drop him in the middle of towns full of crisis. The multitudinous plots and story lines that constantly interweave each other present engaging narratives that are continually timeless and unforgettable; the connected chaos of every individual he meets and befriends profoundly measures the human condition. And Ichi blindly wanders into it all, attempting to continuously do the right things for himself and everyone around him. Though, a man with a morale code of stone, Ichi cannot account for the foolishness of men and the variables of events that conspire to cause people to self destruct. Ironically, and probably more accurately, Ichi is a witness to the struggles of life.
The main theme of THE TALE OF ZATOICHI is greed. From people sacrificing others for the sake of their own comfort to simply just wanting more power, money, or women, it is the constant need to selfishly benefit that runs amok. There are moments when Ichi gives people the chance to prove themselves such as the opening scene with the gamblers as they take advantage of Ichi’s lack of sight. And then there is the rare occasion when Ichi finds a kindred spirit who he can respect as with the case of Master Hirate, the rival swordsman under Boss Shigezo.
But fate is cruel and carries a sword as well. Just like Ichi and the path he follows, Master Hirate has his own he must walk. The exploration of the respect that Ichi and Master Hirate share for each other gives THE TALE OF ZATOICHI its heart. It is often difficult to sympatise with the many supporting characters of the film as they are all scoundrels in one way or another. This friendship provides balance and gives the Ichi character an emotional stake in the story.
Of course, good men fall to Ichi’s sword as well as the wicked. It is never as clear as black and white, but of varying shades of grey. And we endlessly watch as Ichi is presented with one hard decision after the next. Will Ichi have to fight his dear friend Master Hirate or betray the boss that hired him? Does Ichi escape with the woman that has fallen in love with him? It is these questions that ultimately shape Ichi’s character, and it is his answers that have made him such a cinematic icon.
THE TALE OF ZATOICHI is a highly recommended introduction to the dynamic and robust world of Zatoichi. Though the action is inventively fierce and the body bags pile through the roof, it is very much an ethereal story as people try and find their way through this difficult and harsh world. While some hold their hands out to feel for the path at night, others use a hidden sword within a cane to lead the way in the dark.
Presented by Home Vision Entertainment and Janus Films, this fully restored edition presents THE TALE OF ZATOICHI in its original widescreen aspect ratio and contains newly translated subtitles. The only special feature included in this DVD is a gallery of theatrical stills. The film is in black and white and has monaural sound.