Osaka Tough Guys
J. D. Nguyen
February 28, 2006

Loveable losers, Makoto andiEiji, goito schoolito extort money from theiteachers, apply foria job which turns outito be oneifor trainee yakuza, enjoy theifriendship of hulking, boozing andiwhoring yakuza madman Taijo andigenerally make whoopee. In the course of this they save Keiko from being molested andiwhen she isiconned into taking part in an SM movie, comeito her rescueiin an outrageous finale that mixes violence andihumor.

Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC
Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC
Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC
Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC

Oftentimes comical and dark, Takashi Miike has infamously done the splits along the lines of reality and surrealism, showing us a tie-dye arrangement of genres and themes throughout his career. While his films are considered shocking and violent it is more of his originally of vision that creates the synapse of surprise for his audience, regularly shattering and manipulating genre conventions. Which is why it is ever so more fascinating to watch and experience some of Miike’s earlier films and discovering that his fearless, punk rock attitude was prominent even in his beginnings.

Made in 1995, OSAKA TOUGH GUYS begins with an attempted rescue of a dame in danger by our two leads, Eiji and Makoto. Gallant brawling and martial upchucking against proverbial thugs ensues until our heroes are interrupted by Mr. Daimon and his behemoth schoolgirl admirer. More awkwardly riotous beating commences and thus begins Eiji’s and Makoto’s madcap journey through the streets of Osaka where they end up joining a local yakuza, the Kinzu Sect.

It would be superfluous to even attempt to deconstruct OSAKA TOUGH GUYS and its nutty storyline, but beneath all the zany antics and absurd humor, it is a story about love and friendship. Who knew the relationship of two losers who love to drink and whore could be so romantic? The emotional syrup flourishes and causes us to root for the guys during their mini adventures in pawn shop hopping and karaoke lounge fights (disco explosions included). Although no cliché is left unturned, it is Miike’s handling of the material that gives it a new twirl of resonance, developing the camaraderie between the two as ridiculous and real. The pacing is chaotic and the story is almost episodic in nature, taking us through a series of ventures, from samurai bouncer fights and hocking fake celebrity underwear. Though, Eiji and Makoto stick through it all together, their exploits just more wood for their burning friendship (or maybe just more wood in general).

As the predecessor to SHINJOKU TRIAD SOCIETY, Miike’s theatrical debut, OSAKA TOUGH GUYS is an early V-Cinema piece that still packs a fiery elbow to the neck as a brilliant trainwreck of cinematic lunacy. It seems that Miike has always been attracted to stories about macho men and their inner sappiness, their absolute desire for sheer pleasure in all its various dark and shining forms. And typical with all of Miike’s memorable characters, Eiji and Makoto hide behind a bravado that makes them more sentimental than tough. That’s why we end up connecting to Eiji and Makoto so easily… we all just want to save our loves from accidentally starring in yakuza snuff films, am I right?

Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC
Scene from the movie Osaka Tough Guys - Review | KFCC
J. D. Nguyen February 28, 2006
Media Review
Media Review by
J. D. Nguyen
Artsmagic Ltd
Media Format
Region 1

The OSAKA TOUGH GUYS special edition DVD is released by ARTSMAGIC and scheduled to be issued on 3/28/06.

The features are as followed:
Interview with Director, Takashi Miike
Audio Commentary by Tom Mes
Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1
English Subtitles