A car rental clerk accidentally collided into a Yakuza's car and in order to fix the damage he needs to work it off by doing some jobs for him. But when he's at the Yakuza's operation pad, a freak explosion occurs and everyone except naturally the car rental clerk along with the yakuza, whose car he hit, had been killed by it. Then an equally shy female nurse and along with paramedics venture onto the buildings charred remains and stumbles across the two survivors. But before the rental clerk is taken to the hospital he decides to steal an abundant sum of the Yakuza's money and lets the nurse in on the scheme. Everything seems to be harmless and practical until the Yakuza who lived from the explosion sends his youth accomplices and he himself also goes to retrieve his money from the rental clerk and nurse.
A large sum-up for the plot but the film is completely simplistic to follow. Don't let the title fool you since the film is really a sweet natured Japanese Indie comedy and not a complete crazy action film that it might let you think with a title like that. Those you already saw Shark Skin man, will probably find a lot of similarity in plot. Made 1 year after, Adrenaline use a very similar plot but unlike Shark Skin Man, I found the story more developed and engaging in this movie.
The two leads (the rental clerk and nurse) were convincing as late teens that were longing yet afraid to move forward in their lives. In a way they were mirror images of another in terms of their characteristics: both are painfully shy, reluctantly seeking change, and have dead-end jobs hindering them from doing what they want to do. But the one remaining Yakuza and his group of misfits stole the film (Get it the Rental clerk and Nurse stole the money, these guys "stole" the film…ok I think I'll just move on). What was so great about the youths were that they acted just like youths: bored with their lives and only seeking good times. The Yakuza character was hilarious due to his deadpan manner that mimics the ones out of a Takeshi Kitano film. But unfortunately his small gang was not as developed has their boss, their acting was good but their character were just plain ordinary, it would have been cool if each of the yakuza would have his won personality, like in Shark Skin man which I found that the character was the strongest point in the movie, Adrenaline didn't take the opportunity to give a special look to these characters. But maybe their ordinary look was because the production wanted the character extremely believable.
The visual aspect of the movie is very typical Japanese and well executed, but I was expecting a little more stylish movie, with a title and a DVD cover like that. You wont have any fancy camera tricks but the overall movie was well presented. Maybe those who like movie with a special visual style will be disappointed but I found the cinematography simple in general but was also professional and interesting.
A couple discovering their love for one another, friendships formed and/or betrayed, people seeking change in their lives, and characters getting smacked over the head with a shovel at a comical value: I just straight up loved this film. Though the film's one single fault is the predictability of the script, which was already, made a couple of time before. (A pair of shy characters who fall in love through the course of the film only to discover that all they need in love is their love for one another). The film boasts a splendid little soundtrack filled with J-POP that surprisingly fits the film well. Adrenaline Drive is a sweet, comedic, fun spirited film that is definitely worth a view, especially if you like road movie.
Though was the worse one that I've ever seen in terms of content. There is no title menu just a chapter/scene selection though I'd hand the blame to Shooting Gallery Film Series for this (those reprehensible bastards… joking of course). One thing that I don't like is when Im cheated by the packaging, the DVD is labeled as Anamorphic but it is not, only a regular wide screen transfer, which I found very ordinary and not impressive for a DVD. The subtitles are of excellent quality but you can't turn them off or on (they appear to be burned). Since the Image DVD is the only way to watch this movie with English sub, I would say that try to find it the cheapest price as you can and you will be please with you purchase.