Horror, Black Comedy
Satomi peacefully lives in a small house with her mother and sister. However, her older brother, who disappeared when the police accused him of murdering four young school girls, has disturbed their peaceful living. Their house is now in constant surveillance by the press, in addition to prank calls and rocks thrown by townsfolk.
Satomi decides to ask the help of two psychic mediums to find out who is the real killer and where her missing brother is. However, the mediums methods seem a bit suspicious to Satomi at first, but it doesn’t take long before things go out of control and the two mediums have full power over the small family. With the help of a special FBI team and her newly discovered hidden psychic power, Satomi will try to fight back the two mediums before they fulfill their deadly plan.
Director :
Hirohisa Sasaki
Cast :
Hitomi Miwa, Kazuma Suzuki, Ren Osugi, Hiroshi Abe, Hijiri Natsukawa, Yoshiko Yura